Hacker VS Programmer
1. A hacker does things because he
believes in them.
A programmer does what he is
supposed too.
2. A hacker beats the system.
A programmer maintains the system.
3. A hacker changes the way things
A programmer tries to keep the
status perfect
4. A hacker may be anonymous
A programmer doesn't
Top 10 Ways How Hackers Can Hack Facebook Accounts
5. A hacker has many points of
A programmer has one job.
Hacker VS Programmer
6. A hacker is trying to get in.
A programmer is trying to stop things
getting in.
7. A hacker has to be very fast.
A programmer doesn’t.
8.A hacker is about being
A programmer is about being perfection
9. A hacker finds paths that don’t
A programmer stops the old ones
that already do.
Hacker VS Programmer
10. A hacker is self-reliant.
A programmer relies on others.
Top programming languages are used in
today's top websites
1. Google – Java (Web), – C++(indexing)
2. Facebook – PHP
3. YouTube- Flash, Python, Java
4. Yahoo– PHP and Java
5. Microsoft Live.com– .NET
6. Wikipedia – PHP
7. Blogger – Java
8. MSN – .NET
9.Twitter – Ruby on Rails, Scala, Java
10. LinkedIn - Java, JRuby
Top 10 Programming language
currently Used -
1. Java – 35.7%
2. C, C++ – 15.3%
3. C# – 12.7%
4. Perl – 11.9%
5. JavaScript – 10.9%
6. Visual Basic .NET – 5.2%
7. PHP – 2.9%
8. Ajax – 2.7%
9. Python – 2.0%
10. Ruby – 0.7%
Top 10 Best Hacking Operating Systems
1. kali Linux
2. BackTrack 5r3
3. NodeZero.
4. BackBox Linux
5. Blackbuntu.
Best Hacking Operating Systems
6. Samurai Web Testing Framework.
7. Knoppix STD.
8. Pentoo.
10. Matriux Krypton.
Best Hacking Operating Systems
11. DEFT.12. CAINE
13. Bugtraq
The Founders of the world's latest technologies are
1. Internet— Tim Berners Lee
2. Google— Larry Page & Sergey Brin
3.Facebook— Mark Zuckerberg
4. Whats app— Laurel Kirtz
TOP 10 Founders of the world's latest technologies
5. Email— Shiva Ayyadurai
6. Wikipedia— Jimmy Wales
7. Blogger— Evan Willams
8. Skype— Niklas Zennstrom,JanusFriis & Reid Hoffman
9. Mozilla Firefox— Dave Hyatt & Blake Ross
10. You tube— Steve Chen, Chad Hurley & JawedKarim
list of more Founders of the world's latest technologies
Yahoo— David Filo & Jerry Yang
Twitter— Jack Dorsey & Dick Costolo
Linkdin— Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue & Koonstantin Guericke
Gtalk— Richard Wah kan
Hotmail— Sabeer Bhatia
Orkut— Buyukkokten
Rediffmail— Ajit Balakrishnan
Nimbuzz— Martin Smink & Evert Jaap Lugt
Myspace— Chris Dewolfe & Tom Anderson
Ibibo— Ashish Kashyap
OLX— Alec Oxenford & Fabrice Grinda
Opera— Jon Stephenson von Tetzchner & Geir lvarsoy
MYTEN.in-- Prashant
(1) RAM — An Wang and Jay Forrester
(2) Transistor — John Bardeen, Walter
Brattain&WiliamShockley (1947 -
(3) Hard Disk — IBM, The IBM Model
350 Disk File (1956 )
(4) Trackball — Tom Cranston and Fred
Longstaff (1952)
(5) Microprocessor — Faggin,
Hoff&Mazor – Intel 4004
(6) Integrated Circuit— Jack
Kilby&Robert Noyce (1958)
(7) Computer Mouse — Douglas
Engelbart (1964)
(8) Laser printer— Gary Stark weather
at XEROX in 1969.
(9) Floppy Disk— Alan Shugart&IBM
( 1970)
(10) Keyboard — Herman Hollerith, first
keypunch devise in 1930’s
Top 10 Notorious computer hackers of all time
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